How Much to Spend on Baby Shower Gift – The Right Plan?

How Much to Spend on Baby Shower GiftMy event planner friend who is a mom to two lovely kids told me once that the gifts given on baby showers are surely what parents appreciate a lot. It’s like a token from loved ones referring to their happiness and support on such a remarkable chapter of one’s life.

You are probably reading this today because there’s an upcoming baby shower event that you’d pay a visit to. However, you have no idea about what to get and how much to spend on baby shower gift. Or maybe you know the first part but with a bit of confusion whether this much spending would be enough.

Well, I’ve some thoughts to share that probably is going to help you in this matter. Keep on Reading!

How Much to Spend on Baby Shower Gift Depending on Relation, Connection & More.

On average the cost of buying baby shower gift should be somewhere between 20 to 200 dollars.

Anything less or more sounds a bit inadequate or unnecessary but not forbidden. However still, you should think on a budget that falls within this range to keep your social image going well.

Let’s talk about a few common factors that actually plays a major part in determining how much you need to spend.

If the Parent Is a Coworker or Distant Accomplice.

For someone from your office having a baby shower, it’s alright to not spend a fortune. You can take a small and thoughtful gift as a token of celebration. It could also be a roommate from college who you’ve not seen for a long time.

There’s nothing to feel guilty of spending less here. In fact, you should not spend too much on someone you’re connecting very rarely. It makes things awkward for them as well. Go for a gift that costs from 20 to 30 dollars. You are likely to find a lot of nice options.

For a Parent Who is Your Relative or Friend.

Usually, people accept an invitation to a baby shower from this category of people. They are friends or relatives. Maybe you are not so connected to them on a regular basis, probably once every month.

In such cases, you can show your pleasure in their happiness by buying something averagely priced. Plan for a budget that is more than 30 dollars. You don’t need to spend more than 60 dollars, though. This budget plan will allow you to choose quite graceful gifts suitable to your taste.

It’s Your Best Friend’s or Close Relative’s Special Day!

Now, this is where you should show some generosity and probably extra attention while choosing gifts. Someone whom you’ve known for almost your whole life deserves special treatment undoubtedly.

For a baby shower party of your best friend or close relative, go for a thoughtful gift and it should cost you somewhere between 70 to 150 dollars. Anything more is also fine if you can afford. They need to feel your support and love to start such an adventurous chapter of parenthood.

Group Gifts Are Special Approach You Should Participate In.

New parents are often not able to afford some big-ticket items. Such as car seats and strollers. In these cases, you and some friends can take the step of buying one expensive but essential gift combinedly.

Now if you are going to end up footing more than the actual share, let everybody contribute as much as they can. You can simply buy a gift card to the store selling that item. It should have signatures from everybody involved. So that later, to-be parents know who took the effort.

For Someone Having Their Second or Third Child.

If you are visiting a parent who already have kids and this is their second or third time, it’s a little different scenario. They probably have items such as baby clothes and toys from their first kid’s time. And most parents would like to reuse the same things if in good condition.

In such cases, you should spend something enough to buy practical gifts. You can buy baby shampoos and diapers since these are pretty useful. Suppose, the inviter already is a parent to two girl kids and this time it’s a boy, go for new clothes. They will surely appreciate and love your approach.

Meal deliveries and maid servicers are rare but a very caring gesture that you’re loved one will find unexpected and truly amazing. It’s also nice to buy something extra for the older child. You know how kids feel when there is a new sibling and they have to share attention. It’s pretty normal and to be honest, I find it cute.

Spending on DIY Gifts.

Spending on DIY GiftsIt’s always the thought that counts most. And your loved ones will surely appreciate that you took the time to make a special gift yourself. If you are into crafts and know to make certain beautiful things suitable as baby shower gifts, then spending on DIY sounds just the right. Go for It!

You can also try buying a small gift paired with the specially handcrafted item. This approach will surely touch the new parent’s heart.

Some people also go for another route of creating a themed gift basket. You can put on some essential items inside. For example, nail clippers, digital thermometer, tiny bracelets, baby socks and so on. This is surely a very practical yet thoughtful way to spend less and still show your concern heartfully.

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Some Gift Ideas.

You can buy a thoughtful pregnancy guide book or journal.

A doormat that says not to make sound since the baby is sleeping.

Tiny nail trimmers that are gentle.

A comfy and multipurpose baby lounger pillow.

Frame for holding all first-year pictures.

Baby wraps and slings to carry safely.

An organizer bag for babies’ essential goods.

Baby essentials such as soaps, shampoos, oils, and diapers.


If you are someone who is not used to sudden expenses, then knowing and planning how much to spend on baby shower gift is surely the very right thing to do.

We all want to show our gesture of kindness and care within the means of our individual affordability. And there’s nothing wrong in thinking this way. So chill and don’t feel awkward looking for matters like this. In fact, you should do complete research on the cost issue.

Spending a high amount does not relate to showing your concern. Your love needs to be high, not that price tag! And I’m sure somebody close to you will feel your gesture no matter what the price.

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