How Long Are Babies in Size 1 Diapers – Right Time to Buy

How Long Are Babies in Size 1 DiapersMany new parents take a seriously wrong step that leads them to waste money. Newborns will need to go through lots of diapers. And so, you might believe that it’s better to get as many as possible cheap several seized boxes of diaper than running out later.

This can be a huge mistake if you have no idea about diaper sizes and how things change with a newborn since they grow quickly.

Parents feel disappointed when they find that huge left-over diapers are still stocked that doesn’t fit their babies anymore. One common question I get from parents is about how long are babies in size 1 diapers, which is not too big nor small. Well, we would mainly talk about that plus some further guidance on when you should get these sizes 1 diaper. Let’s Dig Deep.

How Long Are Babies in Size 1 Diapers & When Is the Right Time to Get.

In Average Cases, Babies with 10 Pounds of Weight with One and a Half Months of Age Are Ready for Size 1 Diaper.

However, there can be exceptions. Some tend to get lured up and stock lots and lots of diapers when they get cheap offers for saving on later just to end up being disenchanted.

Your baby’s birth weight and growth rate would play huge roles in determining answers related to diaper sizing. Here’s a short analysis for better understanding.

Size 1 Diapers.

size 1 DiapersSize 1 diapers are made usually for average weighted babies. The most standard size 1 diaper can handle babies weighing from 8 to 14 pounds. Just like how different a baby’s weight factor can be, the way a certain brand’s size 1 diaper fit can be also slightly distinct.

The umbilical cut-out is not a thing generally in size 1 diapers. However, there’s a way to fold these diapers in case your baby still has the umbilical stump. There are numerous hospitals that offer size one diapers for newborns since some baby’s start wearing it right after birth. Usually, these babies are larger than average size.

During the first four months, a baby tends to have fastest growth rate. This could be up to 2 pounds per month. If a baby is weighing around 6 pounds at birth, then probably he or she would need size 1 diapers for around 4 months.

If you consider around 10 diapers per day, then you can stock around 4 months x 30 days x 6 to 10 diapers. Calculations lead to 720 to 1200 diapers for this period. This calculation is meant to make you understand how the diaper size and amount work. You need to do your own counting in case of such stocking desires.

Signs That Your Baby Need Size 1 Diaper Instead of Newborn Size.

Parents usually buy newborn diapers to handle babies weighing up to 10 pounds. Here are some ways to figure out if your baby really needs the size 1 diaper instead of the newborn measurement.

No Coverage in Tush.

A diaper’s prior duty is covering the baby’s bottom area adequately. If the coverage is not sufficient, then there could be a range of problems waiting to arrive. Such as blowouts and leaks.

If you observe that the blowout and leaking are happening too frequently, then this is a sure signal of wrong size diaper. In that case, you definitely want to upgrade into a size 1 diaper. The newborn size is just not doing necessary job of avoiding less coverage.

The Baby’s Tummy is Way Far from The Diapers Tab.

One huge sign that the newborn size is just not right is when tab tends to move away from baby’s tummy. It starts edging nearby the hips.

Sometimes too much stretching in wing’s connected to tab is the reason. In any of these cases, you probably need to think about switching to size one diapers.

Too Tight Waistband.

This is the easiest way to determine whether a newborn size needs to be switched up to a size 1 diaper. You should check waist of the baby. If the diaper hugs that area too tightly, it’s just not right.

Use your finger to slightly pull up the waistband. If you feel tightness in your finger, then there should be no confusion left at all. It is absolutely uncomfortable for your precious little one and you need changing to a size 1 diaper.

Marks Left on Your Baby.

Usually the too tight to fit diapers will leave marks on your baby’s skin. You need to look for chaffing or red mark signs around the waist area. Also, have a look at the groin and hip parts. If you notice any ugly marks, then this is probably horrifying.

Baby’s skin is very sensitive and you can’t sit back knowing the diaper is causing this issue. Sometimes there can be other reasons as well for such marks. But usually, it’s the fault of wrong sized diaper. So, just switch the newborn size. And get a size 1 diaper for your baby.

Recommended Weight is A Good Way to Tell.

No matter what size diaper you prefer for your baby, there’s always information written on the diaper box. You should look for the list size guidelines given on it.

This will make it easy for you to determine whether the size goes exactly with your baby. Usually, there are recommended weight mentioned on packages. Sometimes when your baby’s height falls on lower end of the scale, you may need to consider moving up size.

Some Tips You Need to Know.

Babies grow a lot in the first month, sometimes three pounds. So, it might be a good option to plan a bit earlier on buying size 1 diapers.

There’s a chance of receiving newborn diapers at your baby shower. If you have packs at your home already, don’t buy newborn sizes again. It should be enough until your baby grows to fit into size 1 very soon.

The diaper size is basically based on weight of your baby. Don’t consider age as the main factor perhaps a side note.

Newborn sizes are suitable for the first month and size 1 is suitable for second, third & fourth month in most cases.

Gender can be a huge factor in deciding the right diaper size. Boys tend to fit in size 1 after four weeks of birth. As for girls, that reach the size after six weeks roughly.

Also Read: Best Bed for Newborn Baby | Top 10 Picks & Review


And that was everything about this size game for choosing a diaper. Hopefully, you have a better answer for how long are babies in size 1 diapers and when to consider buying them.

Being a new parent is about going through lots of fresh stuff you’ve never known about earlier. It’s overwhelming and exciting at the same time.

Have the Most Out of This Experience. Wishing Your Baby, a Happy Growth!

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