How to Play with Babies – Tips, Tricks & Strategies!

How to Play with BabiesAs a parent, you certainly have a book filled with milestones that you’ll like your baby to achieve. And these are usually tasks such as rolling over, sitting up, standing and basically get moving.

One thing can really help in achieving all these milestones gradually but effectively.  Playing! Now as funny as it sounds, a baby spends most of its movement to play. This is how he or she is exploring the world around at that phase.

Stacking blocks and then watching it topple, pressure to move something and also the idea of an object through size and weight, all of these are related to playing. And amazingly, these are great ways to teach worldly things to a baby. So, you see there’s a lot of benefits to playing with a baby and you should start it earlier.

Let’s talk about some tips, tricks, and strategies on how to play with babies.  

How to Play with Babies to Keep Them Learning, Moving & Developing.

Buying the best baby play yard gate could be the first things you could do in case you’re willing to buy something useful for baby playing. Also, I have a few games that are amazing to play with babies to keep them stimulated.

Water Play Is Relaxing Fun for Babies.

Taking the advantages of water being a relaxing element can be a fantastic tactic to play with babies. You and the baby can sit inside a tub full of water. Or maybe just the baby can be inside and you have a watch on them. Now using funnels, sponges or your hands, simply splash water to different body parts of the baby.

If your baby can sit, then let a vinyl tablecloth be at his or her front on the floor. Use some cups, sponges, spoons and soft toys to plot a nice shallow pan of water for the baby. Let him or her play with splashing the water with those playful stuffs around. Also, don’t take the risk of leaving your kid unattended even with a small amount of water.

Chasing Pop Bottles Filled with Interesting Things.

This is a great hack to use for babies who can sit and walk. You simply need some empty bottles that are not chewable or dangerous. Then using elements such as Jell-O, buttons, rice or even soapy water you need to fill these up.

You can also try adding food color or oil inside. Now tightly secure these bottles cap. And also, don’t forget to secure them in an extra way by putting packing tape around the lid. Now you have a toy to roll on the floor and let your baby chase these. They are surely going to find interest with these amusing stuffs inside the bottle that’s rolling in front.

Enjoying Outdoor Funs.

Of course, I am not telling you to go play cricket or soccer with a kid, but there are some creative ways to take the baby out and let him or her feel the thrill of being in open air. You should not limit the outdoor walks keeping your baby inside a stroller and simply walk.

Instead, try lifting him or her up and let a leaf be a toy. You can simply pluck one form a tree to let him or her feel it. This is a great way to teaching your kid about what is the world made of through playing.

Also, you should try naming things that they are looking at. Whenever a car passes, tell your baby in a playful way that it’s a car. Through constant hearing and seeing, the baby starts picking these words and connect them to related objects.

That Big Exercise Ball Left on One Corner in Your House Can Help.

baby playAs a parent there’s hardly time to eat and pee comfortably, let alone being active with exercising like before. And maybe that’s why some of you will have that old, big exercise ball at some corner of your house collecting dust.

It’s time to bring it on. This could a fantastic, soft and bouncy stage to sit when holding your baby. Also, for your baby’s tummy session, you can use it every time. Put your baby on top of the ball by securely holding and start rolling.

You should roll very slowly in a different direction. This way you get your baby included more in moving. Sometimes you’ll notice them chasing the huge ball around to push and play.


This is so entertaining for babies. Trust me when I say my kid used to laugh every time when somebody did this. You simply use your hands to cover the face. And then humorously (A bit cutely also) let go saying “Peekaboo!”. Your kid’s toddler years will be absolutely fun if you keep trying this game.

It gives a surprising feel to the baby. It makes them believe things still exist even without being shown. You can hide somewhere by ducking down. And then appear suddenly with a hat, wig or anything funny.

Sometimes making crazy faces also make them happy. I used to cover soft toys and playfully act that it disappeared. Crawlers are so attached to games like this. And that’s another reason why most kids love to play hide-and-seek throughout their growing phase.

Let Your Baby Explore Mini Art.

If your baby starts to sit comfortably in a high chair you can try this. Use some edible play materials that are safe to place on her tray. Homemade fingerprints and playdough are good options to try here.

You can put some thick pudding blobs, Jell-O or even cupboard ingredients to make her explore these things and create stuff. No worries if it turns into something messy. There’s a very unique fun in making such messes, let your baby enjoy that blissful feeling.

A Weekday for Dance Party.

Gone are the days when parents used to depend only one Mozart and lullabies to comfort their child. Today, kids enjoy listening to music and dancing on beat. You can mix up the musical menu with different jargon, language, beat, and genre songs.

Just make sure you play something fun enough to feel like dancing. It’s been said that through music a baby gets stimulation on different brain parts. And so, it helps in developing social skills and languages. Also, It’s Super Fun!

Also, Keep in Mind.

You should get impressed each time the baby reaches a toy or does something good while playing. This way they learn nice things and build a close relationship with you.

Don’t keep the playing routine boring. Instead, mix and mash games you let the baby play.

It’s not right to make them overwhelmed constantly. Give them a break whenever there’s a cue of tiredness or sleepiness noticeable.


And these were some simple ideas on how to play with babies. You can absolutely go creative and plan a game that can keep your baby busy and involved. Make sure they are having fun and don’t forget to keep things safe.

While choosing toys or games, you need to make sure there’s no danger resultant to it.

Only Good Things Should Get a Chance to Meet Your Treasurable Baby!

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