How to Shape Baby Head–Causes of Unevenness & Tips to Cure!

How to Shape Baby HeadI know as a parent you will never consider your infant imperfect in any way. But sometimes, it’s important to take off the glasses of love. To check if your infant is growing normally and ensuring a better life to lead ahead. And there’s absolutely no wrongness in such checkups. Perhaps it’s the most responsible thing to do as a parent.

Many parents who give a little bit of attention to the problems related to their infant have a complaint about one thing quite lot. And that is about an uneven shape or flat spot on the baby’s head.

This is so common that one out of three child shows up the exact same problem. Now in usual cases, it’s quite normal and should leave the site after a rough first six months. And knowing few tips on how to shape baby head will just add up to the quickness of this process.

How to Shape Baby Head –Massage Method, Causes of Unevenness, Tips to Solve & More…

The irregular skull shape should resolve on its own. But head shaping massage and other steps can give lots of benefits apart from treating this unevenness. The massage is a real thing that parents have been interested in for about a long time. There could be exceptions when things can get too serious for a few babies

We’ll talk about everything shortly today to keep you educated about the wellbeing of your kid. Let’s Go!

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Know the Reason Behind Unevenness.

While passing through the birth canal, a baby’s head might get molded unevenly. Also due to pressure applied on the backside of the head, there can be a resultant unevenness noticeable. This pressure aslo comes from lying on his or her back.

There are two noticeable soft parts on the baby’s head top part. These are skull bones that are yet to grow together. The spots are usually known as fontanels. They exist to let the larger head of baby move through a narrow birth canal. During infancy, rapid brain growth is also accommodated by fontanels.

The malleability of skull can be a good reason for unevenness of head shape since there’s a tendency of resting your baby in same position. This is past the time when lopsidedness spreads out evenly. And the whole situation is familiar as positional plagiocephaly.

When you look at the infant’s head from above, there should be positional molding noticeable. The baby, back head will look flatter on one side. And also, the ear seems pushed further on flat side.

It’s a cosmetic issue mostly that does not always mean brain damage or any sort of negative interference with baby’s growth. So, there’s no need to spend too much time stressing about the issue. With proper neck and head control, this shape will distribute on skull making things look even.

Head Shaping Massage Method.

Head shaping is a  pretty ancient method that infant’s closer ones often perform for the benefits related. It’s a comfortable and gentle massaging technique that mother, father or anyone holding baby performs. In fact, in African American or Caribbean Ancestry, it’s a very common tradition they follow even without thinking twice.

Good practice of holding a baby should show from a parent and you can just tell by the way they do it. A head shaper focuses more toward the head. But they also do care about touching a child’s toes and fingers very gently.

A parent often uses gentle massaging methods to softly treat their infant’s temple and forehead while holding. A circular motion massage dramatically encourages the skull of an infant to make it round gradually.

Try Changing Direction.

It’s important to change direction in case of head unevenness. Let the baby play on her or her back to sleep. However, when placing on the crib, make sure to change direction of head facing.

Let the head stay closer to crib’s foot. The next day try placing head next to crib. While feeding, you need to keep alternating arms each time. If you notice that while sleeping your baby returns back to position, change it next time.

Proper Holding & Tunny Time.

It’s important to hold your baby in a certain way to ensure right head shaping. To do this you need to hold your baby in a manner that helps to relieve pressure. These pressures usually come from infant seats, carriers and also swings. So, whenever he or she is awake make sure to hold gently.

Also, with close observation, you should keep your baby lying on his or her tummy while playing. Strictly do this when you can keep attention on the child. The surface needs to be firm but not uncomfortable in any way.

Too Long Time Spending on Swings & Seats.

You should not allow too prolonged periods on the baby swing, car or bouncy seats.  Spending more time on flat surfaces can be a reason for excessive pressure leading to reduce the speed of head shaping into normal structure. You should always keep changing their positions when they are spending time on such seats and swings as well.

Trying Molded Helmets for Serious Cases.

In a few rare cases, the unevenness may not improve after six months and sometimes crossing an eight-month mark. In such cases, doctors prescribe molded helmets. These are great at treating severe deformity.

With the help of a custom-fitted helmet, pressure can be used to flatten the uneven side head. It’s also been said that molded helmets show better results between 4 to 12 months. Since this is when the head stays malleable and brains tend to grow rapidly. After age 1, it isn’t a curable treatment anymore in maximum cases.

In Case of Craniosynostosis.

Due to the involvement of torticollis, an underlying muscular issue causes tilting effect on baby’s head. This is when you must go for physical therapy. So that the affected area can stretch to solve problem.

The premature head fuse of two or more bone plates can also be a reason. This can pressurize other head parts making the brain grow. And this condition is commonly known as craniosynostosis. Such cases are treated during infancy. Usually, surgery is required for the fused bones.


And that were some quick tips on how to shape baby head. Don’t freak out with the normal cases and give some time to your child. It’s probably going to get better with passing time and you’ll forget about it.

However, do whatever is possible and keep your baby’s wellbeing in check. Enjoy the time being a new parent and involve with the fun related.

These Are the Moments That Are Going to Stay with You for a Lifetime.

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