When Can Baby Use Exersaucer – It’s All About Right Timing!

When Can Baby Use Exersaucer1After bringing your newborn at home, it feels complete. You are having the best time of your life even with a lot of parental stresses going around. There’s a high chance that you have already heard about exersaucers. It’s one of those things that makes life a bit easier for all exhausted caregivers like us.

If by chance, you can’t relate to what I’m saying, exersaucers are tiny vehicles like things to put your child inside and let them roll around. There are both pros and cons to this amazing little stuff. We’ll get to those as well. For now, let’s know when can baby use exersaucer.

Knowing When Can Baby Use Exersaucer & Major Don’ts Related to It.

Finding the best exersaucer for baby won’t be a very hectic job since there are so many amazing offers and deals available both off and online. To keep the conversation short, let’s talk about one important thing you must consider before getting these.

And it’s when is the right time to get an exersaucer for your kid. Also, you should be aware of some preventions related to using one. Only that way you can avoid toppling over or rolling away controversies related to exersaucers.

The Right Time – Three Phases.

You can surely include an exersaucer into your baby’s life, but before that here’s a timing chart to care about. These are the three major periods of making exersaucer a beneficial inclusion in your child’s life.

When an Infant is 16 to 24 Weeks Old.

This is the peak period when you can make your kid introduced with exersaucer. Kids aging between this range needs to be familiar with the stuff. Caregivers sometimes do the mistake of being impatiently wanting to put them in exersaucer. So that they can get free and focus on work.

But the little one needs some time to be gradually familiarized with this stuff. As soon as they start sitting on their own you should begin making them acquainted with exersaucer.

Make them sit somewhere nearby exersaucer on the floor. You can simply let them play with toys that come along. So that acquisition can happen between your kid and the exersaucer. Having the stuff around will make it easier to put them inside.

When an Infant is 24 to 28 Weeks Old.

During this age period, infant starts sitting without the need for any support. However, there can be exceptions. Sometimes the support less sitting practice needs extra time for particular infants. It’s alright! Don’t feel bad about it.

You absolutely should not rush into putting your kid inside the exersaucer without teaching them about sitting. Instead, let them stay around exersaucer.

Your baby’s muscles need to develop to a certain extent. And only then it is risk-free to put them in exersaucer. Putting them before that development can lead to poor results and often it’s pretty dangerous.

Once the kid can sit on their own by 7 months, it’s time to introduce them to get inside.  You should place a flat pillow below their feet. In case the kid starts jumping, an extra cushion should be there to protect from a hard surface. Also, make sure the kid is standing with right posture.

When an Infant is 28 to 40 Weeks Old.

When an Infant is 24 to 28 Weeks Old.The main reason for parents using exersaucer is to help kid’s development process. There’s no way you can use the stuff to dump your child inside and go for othe tasks to do. Once your child seems to stand on their own, you should move for the next level.

There’s a huge role of you as a parent here that never can be neglected. And this is where all the controversies related to exersaucer start sourcing. You need to play the role of ensuring their safety while being on exersaucer by keeping an eye on them. Sometimes child can’t really understand that they are capable of standing. So, you need to help them stand on their own.

You should support whenever your child stands on their own. Smile, kiss and show affection when he or she can do certain good things. This is a fantastic way to encourage learning into kids.

With longer periods of standing in their own, you can be happy that they are slowly getting stronger in this process. During this time, kids start learning about basic posture and also tend to move on their own.

The moment you get surprised by your kid coming in kitchen on their own, you’ll be proud of this decision of buying an exersaucer.

The Rule of 15 Minutes Per Day.

You should never let your kid be inside the exersaucer for more than fifteen minutes each day. Make the activity once-a-day habit. You can simply take charge of this session while doing other less focusing chores in the house. For example, when you are making a meal or doing laundry. It’s also good to set a timer so that you never have a chance of being neglectful.

Strict Don’ts You Must Never Do.

Your baby’s ligaments, muscles, and bones are still developing. Never try to force your kid into an exersaucer to teach them how to stand fast. It can be a serious damage leading bow-legs, inverted ankles and even knock knees.

If the feet of your baby can’t reach base or floor, it’s not right time yet to put him or her into exersaucer.

Babies have a habit of wiggling too much that can cause accidents. Never leave them unattended.

Exersaucers allow very limited movements. This should not become stationary for them to generate poor habits instead of good ones. So, make sure you follow the 15 minutes time limit strictly.

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So, when can baby use exersaucer is a cleared and sorted matter now and I hope you are nodding? The introduction phase is very vital, so be extra attentive during that time. Also, be aware of the fact that a baby should never get attached to this tool.

It’s meant for development, not a habit. Later when you take away the exersaucer, it should be easy for them to adjust. And that’s only possible when you agree to keep a note of both the bad and good side of using exersaucer for your kid.

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